STM32F4xx HAL Documentation
Hardware Abstraction Layer for STM32F4 familiy
This file contains all the functions prototypes for the HAL module driver. More...
#include "stm32f4xx_hal_conf.h"
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Enumerations | |
Functions | |
HAL_StatusTypeDef | HAL_Init (void) |
This function is used to initialize the HAL Library; it must be the first instruction to be executed in the main program (before to call any other HAL function), it performs the following: Configure the Flash prefetch, instruction and Data caches. Configures the SysTick to generate an interrupt each 1 millisecond, which is clocked by the HSI (at this stage, the clock is not yet configured and thus the system is running from the internal HSI at 16 MHz). Set NVIC Group Priority to 4. Calls the HAL_MspInit() callback function defined in user file "stm32f4xx_hal_msp.c" to do the global low level hardware initialization. | |
HAL_StatusTypeDef | HAL_DeInit (void) |
This function de-Initializes common part of the HAL and stops the systick. This function is optional. | |
void | HAL_MspInit (void) |
Initialize the MSP. | |
void | HAL_MspDeInit (void) |
DeInitializes the MSP. | |
HAL_StatusTypeDef | HAL_InitTick (uint32_t TickPriority) |
This function configures the source of the time base. The time source is configured to have 1ms time base with a dedicated Tick interrupt priority. | |
void | HAL_IncTick (void) |
This function is called to increment a global variable "uwTick" used as application time base. | |
void | HAL_Delay (uint32_t Delay) |
This function provides minimum delay (in milliseconds) based on variable incremented. | |
uint32_t | HAL_GetTick (void) |
Provides a tick value in millisecond. | |
uint32_t | HAL_GetTickPrio (void) |
This function returns a tick priority. | |
HAL_StatusTypeDef | HAL_SetTickFreq (HAL_TickFreqTypeDef Freq) |
Set new tick Freq. | |
HAL_TickFreqTypeDef | HAL_GetTickFreq (void) |
Return tick frequency. | |
void | HAL_SuspendTick (void) |
Suspend Tick increment. | |
void | HAL_ResumeTick (void) |
Resume Tick increment. | |
uint32_t | HAL_GetHalVersion (void) |
Returns the HAL revision. | |
uint32_t | HAL_GetREVID (void) |
Returns the device revision identifier. | |
uint32_t | HAL_GetDEVID (void) |
Returns the device identifier. | |
void | HAL_DBGMCU_EnableDBGSleepMode (void) |
Enable the Debug Module during SLEEP mode. | |
void | HAL_DBGMCU_DisableDBGSleepMode (void) |
Disable the Debug Module during SLEEP mode. | |
void | HAL_DBGMCU_EnableDBGStopMode (void) |
Enable the Debug Module during STOP mode. | |
void | HAL_DBGMCU_DisableDBGStopMode (void) |
Disable the Debug Module during STOP mode. | |
void | HAL_DBGMCU_EnableDBGStandbyMode (void) |
Enable the Debug Module during STANDBY mode. | |
void | HAL_DBGMCU_DisableDBGStandbyMode (void) |
Disable the Debug Module during STANDBY mode. | |
void | HAL_EnableCompensationCell (void) |
Enables the I/O Compensation Cell. | |
void | HAL_DisableCompensationCell (void) |
Power-down the I/O Compensation Cell. | |
uint32_t | HAL_GetUIDw0 (void) |
Returns first word of the unique device identifier (UID based on 96 bits) | |
uint32_t | HAL_GetUIDw1 (void) |
Returns second word of the unique device identifier (UID based on 96 bits) | |
uint32_t | HAL_GetUIDw2 (void) |
Returns third word of the unique device identifier (UID based on 96 bits) | |
Variables | |
__IO uint32_t | uwTick |
uint32_t | uwTickPrio |
HAL_TickFreqTypeDef | uwTickFreq |
This file contains all the functions prototypes for the HAL module driver.
Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved.
This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this software component. If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS.
Definition in file stm32f4xx_hal.h.