STM32F4xx HAL Documentation
Hardware Abstraction Layer for STM32F4 familiy
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DCMI_InitTypeDef Struct Reference

DCMI Init structure definition. More...

#include <stm32f4xx_hal_dcmi_ex.h>

Collaboration diagram for DCMI_InitTypeDef:

Data Fields

uint32_t SynchroMode
uint32_t PCKPolarity
uint32_t VSPolarity
uint32_t HSPolarity
uint32_t CaptureRate
uint32_t ExtendedDataMode
DCMI_CodesInitTypeDef SyncroCode
uint32_t JPEGMode
uint32_t ByteSelectMode
uint32_t ByteSelectStart
uint32_t LineSelectMode
uint32_t LineSelectStart

Detailed Description

DCMI Init structure definition.

Definition at line 61 of file stm32f4xx_hal_dcmi_ex.h.

Field Documentation

◆ SynchroMode

uint32_t DCMI_InitTypeDef::SynchroMode

Specifies the Synchronization Mode: Hardware or Embedded. This parameter can be a value of DCMI Synchronization Mode

Definition at line 63 of file stm32f4xx_hal_dcmi_ex.h.

Referenced by HAL_DCMI_Init().

◆ PCKPolarity

uint32_t DCMI_InitTypeDef::PCKPolarity

Specifies the Pixel clock polarity: Falling or Rising. This parameter can be a value of DCMI PIXCK Polarity

Definition at line 66 of file stm32f4xx_hal_dcmi_ex.h.

Referenced by HAL_DCMI_Init().

◆ VSPolarity

uint32_t DCMI_InitTypeDef::VSPolarity

Specifies the Vertical synchronization polarity: High or Low. This parameter can be a value of DCMI VSYNC Polarity

Definition at line 69 of file stm32f4xx_hal_dcmi_ex.h.

Referenced by HAL_DCMI_Init().

◆ HSPolarity

uint32_t DCMI_InitTypeDef::HSPolarity

Specifies the Horizontal synchronization polarity: High or Low. This parameter can be a value of DCMI HSYNC Polarity

Definition at line 72 of file stm32f4xx_hal_dcmi_ex.h.

Referenced by HAL_DCMI_Init().

◆ CaptureRate

uint32_t DCMI_InitTypeDef::CaptureRate

Specifies the frequency of frame capture: All, 1/2 or 1/4. This parameter can be a value of DCMI Capture Rate

Definition at line 75 of file stm32f4xx_hal_dcmi_ex.h.

Referenced by HAL_DCMI_Init().

◆ ExtendedDataMode

uint32_t DCMI_InitTypeDef::ExtendedDataMode

Specifies the data width: 8-bit, 10-bit, 12-bit or 14-bit. This parameter can be a value of DCMI Extended Data Mode

Definition at line 78 of file stm32f4xx_hal_dcmi_ex.h.

Referenced by HAL_DCMI_Init().

◆ SyncroCode

DCMI_CodesInitTypeDef DCMI_InitTypeDef::SyncroCode

Specifies the code of the frame start delimiter.

Definition at line 81 of file stm32f4xx_hal_dcmi_ex.h.

Referenced by HAL_DCMI_Init().

◆ JPEGMode

uint32_t DCMI_InitTypeDef::JPEGMode

Enable or Disable the JPEG mode This parameter can be a value of DCMI MODE JPEG

Definition at line 83 of file stm32f4xx_hal_dcmi_ex.h.

Referenced by HAL_DCMI_Init().

◆ ByteSelectMode

uint32_t DCMI_InitTypeDef::ByteSelectMode

Specifies the data to be captured by the interface This parameter can be a value of DCMI Byte Select Mode

Definition at line 86 of file stm32f4xx_hal_dcmi_ex.h.

◆ ByteSelectStart

uint32_t DCMI_InitTypeDef::ByteSelectStart

Specifies if the data to be captured by the interface is even or odd This parameter can be a value of DCMI Byte Select Start

Definition at line 89 of file stm32f4xx_hal_dcmi_ex.h.

◆ LineSelectMode

uint32_t DCMI_InitTypeDef::LineSelectMode

Specifies the line of data to be captured by the interface This parameter can be a value of DCMI Line Select Mode

Definition at line 92 of file stm32f4xx_hal_dcmi_ex.h.

◆ LineSelectStart

uint32_t DCMI_InitTypeDef::LineSelectStart

Specifies if the line of data to be captured by the interface is even or odd This parameter can be a value of DCMI Line Select Start

Definition at line 95 of file stm32f4xx_hal_dcmi_ex.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: