STM32F4xx HAL Documentation
Hardware Abstraction Layer for STM32F4 familiy
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stm32f4xx_hal_dsi.h File Reference

Header file of DSI HAL module. More...

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Data Structures

struct  DSI_InitTypeDef
 DSI Init Structure definition. More...
struct  DSI_PLLInitTypeDef
 DSI PLL Clock structure definition. More...
struct  DSI_VidCfgTypeDef
 DSI Video mode configuration. More...
struct  DSI_CmdCfgTypeDef
 DSI Adapted command mode configuration. More...
struct  DSI_LPCmdTypeDef
 DSI command transmission mode configuration. More...
struct  DSI_PHY_TimerTypeDef
 DSI PHY Timings definition. More...
struct  DSI_HOST_TimeoutTypeDef
 DSI HOST Timeouts definition. More...
struct  DSI_HandleTypeDef
 DSI Handle Structure definition. More...


#define DSI_ENTER_IDLE_MODE   0x39U
#define DSI_ENTER_SLEEP_MODE   0x10U
#define DSI_EXIT_IDLE_MODE   0x38U
#define DSI_EXIT_INVERT_MODE   0x20U
#define DSI_EXIT_SLEEP_MODE   0x11U
#define DSI_GET_3D_CONTROL   0x3FU
#define DSI_GET_BLUE_CHANNEL   0x08U
#define DSI_GET_POWER_MODE   0x0AU
#define DSI_GET_RED_CHANNEL   0x06U
#define DSI_GET_SCANLINE   0x45U
#define DSI_NOP   0x00U
#define DSI_READ_DDB_START   0xA1U
#define DSI_SET_3D_CONTROL   0x3DU
#define DSI_SET_ADDRESS_MODE   0x36U
#define DSI_SET_DISPLAY_OFF   0x28U
#define DSI_SET_DISPLAY_ON   0x29U
#define DSI_SET_GAMMA_CURVE   0x26U
#define DSI_SET_PARTIAL_ROWS   0x30U
#define DSI_SET_SCROLL_AREA   0x33U
#define DSI_SET_SCROLL_START   0x37U
#define DSI_SET_TEAR_OFF   0x34U
#define DSI_SET_TEAR_ON   0x35U
#define DSI_SET_VSYNC_TIMING   0x40U
#define DSI_SOFT_RESET   0x01U
#define DSI_WRITE_LUT   0x2DU
#define DSI_COLOR_MODE_FULL   0x00000000U
#define DSI_DISPLAY_ON   0x00000000U
#define DSI_LP_COMMAND_DISABLE   0x00000000U
#define DSI_LP_HFP_DISABLE   0x00000000U
#define DSI_LP_HBP_DISABLE   0x00000000U
#define DSI_LP_VACT_DISABLE   0x00000000U
#define DSI_LP_VFP_DISABLE   0x00000000U
#define DSI_LP_VBP_DISABLE   0x00000000U
#define DSI_LP_VSYNC_DISABLE   0x00000000U
#define DSI_FBTAA_DISABLE   0x00000000U
#define DSI_TE_DSILINK   0x00000000U
#define DSI_TE_RISING_EDGE   0x00000000U
#define DSI_VSYNC_FALLING   0x00000000U
#define DSI_AR_DISABLE   0x00000000U
#define DSI_TE_ACKNOWLEDGE_DISABLE   0x00000000U
#define DSI_ACKNOWLEDGE_DISABLE   0x00000000U
#define DSI_LP_GSW0P_DISABLE   0x00000000U
#define DSI_LP_GSW1P_DISABLE   0x00000000U
#define DSI_LP_GSW2P_DISABLE   0x00000000U
#define DSI_LP_GSR0P_DISABLE   0x00000000U
#define DSI_LP_GSR1P_DISABLE   0x00000000U
#define DSI_LP_GSR2P_DISABLE   0x00000000U
#define DSI_LP_GLW_DISABLE   0x00000000U
#define DSI_LP_DSW0P_DISABLE   0x00000000U
#define DSI_LP_DSW1P_DISABLE   0x00000000U
#define DSI_LP_DSR0P_DISABLE   0x00000000U
#define DSI_LP_DLW_DISABLE   0x00000000U
#define DSI_LP_MRDP_DISABLE   0x00000000U
#define DSI_HS_PM_DISABLE   0x00000000U
#define DSI_AUTO_CLK_LANE_CTRL_DISABLE   0x00000000U
#define DSI_ONE_DATA_LANE   0U
#define DSI_RGB565   0x00000000U
#define DSI_RGB666   0x00000003U
#define DSI_RGB888   0x00000005U
#define DSI_LOOSELY_PACKED_DISABLE   0x00000000U
#define DSI_HSYNC_ACTIVE_HIGH   0x00000000U
#define DSI_VSYNC_ACTIVE_HIGH   0x00000000U
#define DSI_DATA_ENABLE_ACTIVE_HIGH   0x00000000U
#define DSI_PLL_IN_DIV1   0x00000001U
#define DSI_PLL_IN_DIV2   0x00000002U
#define DSI_PLL_IN_DIV3   0x00000003U
#define DSI_PLL_IN_DIV4   0x00000004U
#define DSI_PLL_IN_DIV5   0x00000005U
#define DSI_PLL_IN_DIV6   0x00000006U
#define DSI_PLL_IN_DIV7   0x00000007U
#define DSI_PLL_OUT_DIV1   0x00000000U
#define DSI_PLL_OUT_DIV2   0x00000001U
#define DSI_PLL_OUT_DIV4   0x00000002U
#define DSI_PLL_OUT_DIV8   0x00000003U
#define DSI_DCS_SHORT_PKT_WRITE_P0   0x00000005U
#define DSI_DCS_SHORT_PKT_WRITE_P1   0x00000015U
#define DSI_GEN_SHORT_PKT_WRITE_P0   0x00000003U
#define DSI_GEN_SHORT_PKT_WRITE_P1   0x00000013U
#define DSI_GEN_SHORT_PKT_WRITE_P2   0x00000023U
#define DSI_DCS_LONG_PKT_WRITE   0x00000039U
#define DSI_GEN_LONG_PKT_WRITE   0x00000029U
#define DSI_DCS_SHORT_PKT_READ   0x00000006U
#define DSI_GEN_SHORT_PKT_READ_P0   0x00000004U
#define DSI_GEN_SHORT_PKT_READ_P1   0x00000014U
#define DSI_GEN_SHORT_PKT_READ_P2   0x00000024U
#define HAL_DSI_ERROR_ACK   0x00000001U
#define HAL_DSI_ERROR_PHY   0x00000002U
#define HAL_DSI_ERROR_TX   0x00000004U
#define HAL_DSI_ERROR_RX   0x00000008U
#define HAL_DSI_ERROR_ECC   0x00000010U
#define HAL_DSI_ERROR_CRC   0x00000020U
#define HAL_DSI_ERROR_PSE   0x00000040U
#define HAL_DSI_ERROR_EOT   0x00000080U
#define HAL_DSI_ERROR_OVF   0x00000100U
#define HAL_DSI_ERROR_GEN   0x00000200U
#define DSI_CLOCK_LANE   0x00000000U
#define DSI_DATA_LANES   0x00000001U
#define DSI_SLEW_RATE_HSTX   0x00000000U
#define DSI_SLEW_RATE_LPTX   0x00000001U
#define DSI_HS_DELAY   0x00000002U
#define DSI_SWAP_LANE_PINS   0x00000000U
#define DSI_INVERT_HS_SIGNAL   0x00000001U
#define DSI_CLK_LANE   0x00000000U
#define DSI_DATA_LANE0   0x00000001U
#define DSI_DATA_LANE1   0x00000002U
#define DSI_TCLK_POST   0x00000000U
#define DSI_TLPX_CLK   0x00000001U
#define DSI_THS_EXIT   0x00000002U
#define DSI_TLPX_DATA   0x00000003U
#define DSI_THS_ZERO   0x00000004U
#define DSI_THS_TRAIL   0x00000005U
#define DSI_THS_PREPARE   0x00000006U
#define DSI_TCLK_ZERO   0x00000007U
#define DSI_TCLK_PREPARE   0x00000008U
 Reset DSI handle state.
#define __HAL_DSI_ENABLE(__HANDLE__)
 Enables the DSI host.
 Disables the DSI host.
 Enables the DSI wrapper.
 Disable the DSI wrapper.
 Enables the DSI PLL.
 Disables the DSI PLL.
 Enables the DSI regulator.
 Disables the DSI regulator.
#define __HAL_DSI_GET_FLAG(__HANDLE__, __FLAG__)
 Get the DSI pending flags.
#define __HAL_DSI_CLEAR_FLAG(__HANDLE__, __FLAG__)
 Clears the DSI pending flags.
 Enables the specified DSI interrupts.
 Disables the specified DSI interrupts.
 Checks whether the specified DSI interrupt source is enabled or not.
#define DSI_MAX_RETURN_PKT_SIZE   (0x00000037U)
#define IS_DSI_NUMBER_OF_LANES(NumberOfLanes)
#define IS_DSI_FLOW_CONTROL(FlowControl)
#define IS_DSI_COLOR_CODING(ColorCoding)
#define IS_DSI_LOOSELY_PACKED(LooselyPacked)
#define IS_DSI_DE_POLARITY(DataEnable)
#define IS_DSI_VIDEO_MODE_TYPE(VideoModeType)
#define IS_DSI_COLOR_MODE(ColorMode)
#define IS_DSI_SHUT_DOWN(ShutDown)
#define IS_DSI_LP_COMMAND(LPCommand)
#define IS_DSI_LP_VACTIVE(LPVActive)
#define IS_DSI_FBTAA(FrameBTAAcknowledge)
#define IS_DSI_TE_SOURCE(TESource)
#define IS_DSI_TE_POLARITY(TEPolarity)
#define IS_DSI_AUTOMATIC_REFRESH(AutomaticRefresh)
#define IS_DSI_VS_POLARITY(VSPolarity)
#define IS_DSI_TE_ACK_REQUEST(TEAcknowledgeRequest)
#define IS_DSI_ACK_REQUEST(AcknowledgeRequest)
#define IS_DSI_LANE_GROUP(Lane)
#define IS_DSI_CUSTOM_LANE(CustomLane)
#define IS_DSI_LANE(Lane)
#define IS_DSI_PHY_TIMING(Timing)


enum  HAL_DSI_StateTypeDef {
 DSI States Structure definition. More...


HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DSI_Init (DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi, DSI_PLLInitTypeDef *PLLInit)
 Initializes the DSI according to the specified parameters in the DSI_InitTypeDef and create the associated handle.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DSI_DeInit (DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi)
 De-initializes the DSI peripheral registers to their default reset values.
void HAL_DSI_MspInit (DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi)
 Initializes the DSI MSP.
void HAL_DSI_MspDeInit (DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi)
 De-initializes the DSI MSP.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DSI_ConfigErrorMonitor (DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi, uint32_t ActiveErrors)
 Enable the error monitor flags.
void HAL_DSI_IRQHandler (DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi)
 Handles DSI interrupt request.
void HAL_DSI_TearingEffectCallback (DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi)
 Tearing Effect DSI callback.
void HAL_DSI_EndOfRefreshCallback (DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi)
 End of Refresh DSI callback.
void HAL_DSI_ErrorCallback (DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi)
 Operation Error DSI callback.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DSI_SetGenericVCID (DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi, uint32_t VirtualChannelID)
 Configure the Generic interface read-back Virtual Channel ID.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DSI_ConfigVideoMode (DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi, DSI_VidCfgTypeDef *VidCfg)
 Select video mode and configure the corresponding parameters.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DSI_ConfigAdaptedCommandMode (DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi, DSI_CmdCfgTypeDef *CmdCfg)
 Select adapted command mode and configure the corresponding parameters.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DSI_ConfigCommand (DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi, DSI_LPCmdTypeDef *LPCmd)
 Configure command transmission mode: High-speed or Low-power and enable/disable acknowledge request after packet transmission.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DSI_ConfigFlowControl (DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi, uint32_t FlowControl)
 Configure the flow control parameters.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DSI_ConfigPhyTimer (DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi, DSI_PHY_TimerTypeDef *PhyTimers)
 Configure the DSI PHY timer parameters.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DSI_ConfigHostTimeouts (DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi, DSI_HOST_TimeoutTypeDef *HostTimeouts)
 Configure the DSI HOST timeout parameters.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DSI_Start (DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi)
 Start the DSI module.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DSI_Stop (DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi)
 Stop the DSI module.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DSI_Refresh (DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi)
 Refresh the display in command mode.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DSI_ColorMode (DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi, uint32_t ColorMode)
 Controls the display color mode in Video mode.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DSI_Shutdown (DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi, uint32_t Shutdown)
 Control the display shutdown in Video mode.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DSI_ShortWrite (DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi, uint32_t ChannelID, uint32_t Mode, uint32_t Param1, uint32_t Param2)
 write short DCS or short Generic command
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DSI_LongWrite (DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi, uint32_t ChannelID, uint32_t Mode, uint32_t NbParams, uint32_t Param1, const uint8_t *ParametersTable)
 write long DCS or long Generic command
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DSI_Read (DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi, uint32_t ChannelNbr, uint8_t *Array, uint32_t Size, uint32_t Mode, uint32_t DCSCmd, uint8_t *ParametersTable)
 Read command (DCS or generic)
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DSI_EnterULPMData (DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi)
 Enter the ULPM (Ultra Low Power Mode) with the D-PHY PLL running (only data lanes are in ULPM)
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DSI_ExitULPMData (DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi)
 Exit the ULPM (Ultra Low Power Mode) with the D-PHY PLL running (only data lanes are in ULPM)
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DSI_EnterULPM (DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi)
 Enter the ULPM (Ultra Low Power Mode) with the D-PHY PLL turned off (both data and clock lanes are in ULPM)
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DSI_ExitULPM (DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi)
 Exit the ULPM (Ultra Low Power Mode) with the D-PHY PLL turned off (both data and clock lanes are in ULPM)
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DSI_PatternGeneratorStart (DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi, uint32_t Mode, uint32_t Orientation)
 Start test pattern generation.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DSI_PatternGeneratorStop (DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi)
 Stop test pattern generation.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DSI_SetSlewRateAndDelayTuning (DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi, uint32_t CommDelay, uint32_t Lane, uint32_t Value)
 Set Slew-Rate And Delay Tuning.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DSI_SetLowPowerRXFilter (DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi, uint32_t Frequency)
 Low-Power Reception Filter Tuning.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DSI_SetSDD (DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi, FunctionalState State)
 Activate an additional current path on all lanes to meet the SDDTx parameter defined in the MIPI D-PHY specification.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DSI_SetLanePinsConfiguration (DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi, uint32_t CustomLane, uint32_t Lane, FunctionalState State)
 Custom lane pins configuration.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DSI_SetPHYTimings (DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi, uint32_t Timing, FunctionalState State, uint32_t Value)
 Set custom timing for the PHY.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DSI_ForceTXStopMode (DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi, uint32_t Lane, FunctionalState State)
 Force the Clock/Data Lane in TX Stop Mode.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DSI_ForceRXLowPower (DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi, FunctionalState State)
 Force LP Receiver in Low-Power Mode.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DSI_ForceDataLanesInRX (DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi, FunctionalState State)
 Force Data Lanes in RX Mode after a BTA.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DSI_SetPullDown (DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi, FunctionalState State)
 Enable a pull-down on the lanes to prevent from floating states when unused.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DSI_SetContentionDetectionOff (DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi, FunctionalState State)
 Switch off the contention detection on data lanes.
uint32_t HAL_DSI_GetError (const DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi)
 Return the DSI error code.
HAL_DSI_StateTypeDef HAL_DSI_GetState (const DSI_HandleTypeDef *hdsi)
 Return the DSI state.

Detailed Description

Header file of DSI HAL module.

MCD Application Team

Copyright (c) 2016 STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved.

This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this software component. If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS.

Definition in file stm32f4xx_hal_dsi.h.