STM32F4xx HAL Documentation
Hardware Abstraction Layer for STM32F4 familiy
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stm32f4xx_hal_fmpsmbus.c File Reference

FMPSMBUS HAL module driver. This file provides firmware functions to manage the following functionalities of the System Management Bus (SMBus) peripheral, based on I2C principles of operation : More...

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#define HAL_TIMEOUT_ADDR   (10000U)
#define HAL_TIMEOUT_BUSY   (25U)
#define HAL_TIMEOUT_DIR   (25U)
#define HAL_TIMEOUT_RXNE   (25U)
#define HAL_TIMEOUT_STOPF   (25U)
#define HAL_TIMEOUT_TC   (25U)
#define HAL_TIMEOUT_TCR   (25U)
#define HAL_TIMEOUT_TXIS   (25U)
#define MAX_NBYTE_SIZE   255U


static HAL_StatusTypeDef FMPSMBUS_WaitOnFlagUntilTimeout (FMPSMBUS_HandleTypeDef *hfmpsmbus, uint32_t Flag, FlagStatus Status, uint32_t Timeout)
 Handle FMPSMBUS Communication Timeout.
static HAL_StatusTypeDef FMPSMBUS_Master_ISR (FMPSMBUS_HandleTypeDef *hfmpsmbus, uint32_t StatusFlags)
 Interrupt Sub-Routine which handle the Interrupt Flags Master Mode.
static HAL_StatusTypeDef FMPSMBUS_Slave_ISR (FMPSMBUS_HandleTypeDef *hfmpsmbus, uint32_t StatusFlags)
 Interrupt Sub-Routine which handle the Interrupt Flags Slave Mode.
static void FMPSMBUS_ITErrorHandler (FMPSMBUS_HandleTypeDef *hfmpsmbus)
 FMPSMBUS interrupts error handler.
static void FMPSMBUS_Enable_IRQ (FMPSMBUS_HandleTypeDef *hfmpsmbus, uint32_t InterruptRequest)
 Manage the enabling of Interrupts.
static void FMPSMBUS_Disable_IRQ (FMPSMBUS_HandleTypeDef *hfmpsmbus, uint32_t InterruptRequest)
 Manage the disabling of Interrupts.
static void FMPSMBUS_Flush_TXDR (FMPSMBUS_HandleTypeDef *hfmpsmbus)
 FMPSMBUS Tx data register flush process.
static void FMPSMBUS_TransferConfig (FMPSMBUS_HandleTypeDef *hfmpsmbus, uint16_t DevAddress, uint8_t Size, uint32_t Mode, uint32_t Request)
 Handle FMPSMBUSx communication when starting transfer or during transfer (TC or TCR flag are set).
static void FMPSMBUS_ConvertOtherXferOptions (FMPSMBUS_HandleTypeDef *hfmpsmbus)
 Convert FMPSMBUSx OTHER_xxx XferOptions to functional XferOptions.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FMPSMBUS_Init (FMPSMBUS_HandleTypeDef *hfmpsmbus)
 Initialize the FMPSMBUS according to the specified parameters in the FMPSMBUS_InitTypeDef and initialize the associated handle.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FMPSMBUS_DeInit (FMPSMBUS_HandleTypeDef *hfmpsmbus)
 DeInitialize the FMPSMBUS peripheral.
void HAL_FMPSMBUS_MspInit (FMPSMBUS_HandleTypeDef *hfmpsmbus)
 Initialize the FMPSMBUS MSP.
void HAL_FMPSMBUS_MspDeInit (FMPSMBUS_HandleTypeDef *hfmpsmbus)
 DeInitialize the FMPSMBUS MSP.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FMPSMBUS_ConfigAnalogFilter (FMPSMBUS_HandleTypeDef *hfmpsmbus, uint32_t AnalogFilter)
 Configure Analog noise filter.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FMPSMBUS_ConfigDigitalFilter (FMPSMBUS_HandleTypeDef *hfmpsmbus, uint32_t DigitalFilter)
 Configure Digital noise filter.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FMPSMBUS_Master_Transmit_IT (FMPSMBUS_HandleTypeDef *hfmpsmbus, uint16_t DevAddress, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size, uint32_t XferOptions)
 Transmit in master/host FMPSMBUS mode an amount of data in non-blocking mode with Interrupt.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FMPSMBUS_Master_Receive_IT (FMPSMBUS_HandleTypeDef *hfmpsmbus, uint16_t DevAddress, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size, uint32_t XferOptions)
 Receive in master/host FMPSMBUS mode an amount of data in non-blocking mode with Interrupt.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FMPSMBUS_Master_Abort_IT (FMPSMBUS_HandleTypeDef *hfmpsmbus, uint16_t DevAddress)
 Abort a master/host FMPSMBUS process communication with Interrupt.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FMPSMBUS_Slave_Transmit_IT (FMPSMBUS_HandleTypeDef *hfmpsmbus, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size, uint32_t XferOptions)
 Transmit in slave/device FMPSMBUS mode an amount of data in non-blocking mode with Interrupt.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FMPSMBUS_Slave_Receive_IT (FMPSMBUS_HandleTypeDef *hfmpsmbus, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size, uint32_t XferOptions)
 Receive in slave/device FMPSMBUS mode an amount of data in non-blocking mode with Interrupt.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FMPSMBUS_EnableListen_IT (FMPSMBUS_HandleTypeDef *hfmpsmbus)
 Enable the Address listen mode with Interrupt.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FMPSMBUS_DisableListen_IT (FMPSMBUS_HandleTypeDef *hfmpsmbus)
 Disable the Address listen mode with Interrupt.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FMPSMBUS_EnableAlert_IT (FMPSMBUS_HandleTypeDef *hfmpsmbus)
 Enable the FMPSMBUS alert mode with Interrupt.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FMPSMBUS_DisableAlert_IT (FMPSMBUS_HandleTypeDef *hfmpsmbus)
 Disable the FMPSMBUS alert mode with Interrupt.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FMPSMBUS_IsDeviceReady (FMPSMBUS_HandleTypeDef *hfmpsmbus, uint16_t DevAddress, uint32_t Trials, uint32_t Timeout)
 Check if target device is ready for communication.
void HAL_FMPSMBUS_EV_IRQHandler (FMPSMBUS_HandleTypeDef *hfmpsmbus)
 Handle FMPSMBUS event interrupt request.
void HAL_FMPSMBUS_ER_IRQHandler (FMPSMBUS_HandleTypeDef *hfmpsmbus)
 Handle FMPSMBUS error interrupt request.
void HAL_FMPSMBUS_MasterTxCpltCallback (FMPSMBUS_HandleTypeDef *hfmpsmbus)
 Master Tx Transfer completed callback.
void HAL_FMPSMBUS_MasterRxCpltCallback (FMPSMBUS_HandleTypeDef *hfmpsmbus)
 Master Rx Transfer completed callback.
void HAL_FMPSMBUS_SlaveTxCpltCallback (FMPSMBUS_HandleTypeDef *hfmpsmbus)
 Slave Tx Transfer completed callback.
void HAL_FMPSMBUS_SlaveRxCpltCallback (FMPSMBUS_HandleTypeDef *hfmpsmbus)
 Slave Rx Transfer completed callback.
void HAL_FMPSMBUS_AddrCallback (FMPSMBUS_HandleTypeDef *hfmpsmbus, uint8_t TransferDirection, uint16_t AddrMatchCode)
 Slave Address Match callback.
void HAL_FMPSMBUS_ListenCpltCallback (FMPSMBUS_HandleTypeDef *hfmpsmbus)
 Listen Complete callback.
void HAL_FMPSMBUS_ErrorCallback (FMPSMBUS_HandleTypeDef *hfmpsmbus)
 FMPSMBUS error callback.
uint32_t HAL_FMPSMBUS_GetState (const FMPSMBUS_HandleTypeDef *hfmpsmbus)
 Return the FMPSMBUS handle state.
uint32_t HAL_FMPSMBUS_GetError (const FMPSMBUS_HandleTypeDef *hfmpsmbus)
 Return the FMPSMBUS error code.

Detailed Description

FMPSMBUS HAL module driver. This file provides firmware functions to manage the following functionalities of the System Management Bus (SMBus) peripheral, based on I2C principles of operation :

MCD Application Team
  • Initialization and de-initialization functions
  • IO operation functions
  • Peripheral State and Errors functions

Copyright (c) 2016 STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved.

This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this software component. If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS.

                      ##### How to use this driver #####
  The FMPSMBUS HAL driver can be used as follows:

  (#) Declare a FMPSMBUS_HandleTypeDef handle structure, for example:
      FMPSMBUS_HandleTypeDef  hfmpsmbus;

  (#)Initialize the FMPSMBUS low level resources by implementing the HAL_FMPSMBUS_MspInit() API:
      (##) Enable the FMPSMBUSx interface clock
      (##) FMPSMBUS pins configuration
          (+++) Enable the clock for the FMPSMBUS GPIOs
          (+++) Configure FMPSMBUS pins as alternate function open-drain
      (##) NVIC configuration if you need to use interrupt process
          (+++) Configure the FMPSMBUSx interrupt priority
          (+++) Enable the NVIC FMPSMBUS IRQ Channel

  (#) Configure the Communication Clock Timing, Bus Timeout, Own Address1, Master Addressing mode,
      Dual Addressing mode, Own Address2, Own Address2 Mask, General call, Nostretch mode,
      Peripheral mode and Packet Error Check mode in the hfmpsmbus Init structure.

  (#) Initialize the FMPSMBUS registers by calling the HAL_FMPSMBUS_Init() API:
      (++) These API's configures also the low level Hardware GPIO, CLOCK, CORTEX...etc)
           by calling the customized HAL_FMPSMBUS_MspInit(&hfmpsmbus) API.

  (#) To check if target device is ready for communication, use the function HAL_FMPSMBUS_IsDeviceReady()

  (#) For FMPSMBUS IO operations, only one mode of operations is available within this driver

  *** Interrupt mode IO operation ***
    (+) Transmit in master/host FMPSMBUS mode an amount of data in non-blocking mode
        using HAL_FMPSMBUS_Master_Transmit_IT()
    (++) At transmission end of transfer HAL_FMPSMBUS_MasterTxCpltCallback() is executed and users can
         add their own code by customization of function pointer HAL_FMPSMBUS_MasterTxCpltCallback()
    (+) Receive in master/host FMPSMBUS mode an amount of data in non-blocking mode
        using HAL_FMPSMBUS_Master_Receive_IT()
    (++) At reception end of transfer HAL_FMPSMBUS_MasterRxCpltCallback() is executed and users can
         add their own code by customization of function pointer HAL_FMPSMBUS_MasterRxCpltCallback()
    (+) Abort a master/host FMPSMBUS process communication with Interrupt using HAL_FMPSMBUS_Master_Abort_IT()
    (++) The associated previous transfer callback is called at the end of abort process
    (++) mean HAL_FMPSMBUS_MasterTxCpltCallback() in case of previous state was master transmit
    (++) mean HAL_FMPSMBUS_MasterRxCpltCallback() in case of previous state was master receive
    (+) Enable/disable the Address listen mode in slave/device or host/slave FMPSMBUS mode
         using HAL_FMPSMBUS_EnableListen_IT() HAL_FMPSMBUS_DisableListen_IT()
    (++) When address slave/device FMPSMBUS match, HAL_FMPSMBUS_AddrCallback() is executed and users can
         add their own code to check the Address Match Code and the transmission direction
         request by master/host (Write/Read).
    (++) At Listen mode end HAL_FMPSMBUS_ListenCpltCallback() is executed and users can
         add their own code by customization of function pointer HAL_FMPSMBUS_ListenCpltCallback()
    (+) Transmit in slave/device FMPSMBUS mode an amount of data in non-blocking mode
        using HAL_FMPSMBUS_Slave_Transmit_IT()
    (++) At transmission end of transfer HAL_FMPSMBUS_SlaveTxCpltCallback() is executed and users can
         add their own code by customization of function pointer HAL_FMPSMBUS_SlaveTxCpltCallback()
    (+) Receive in slave/device FMPSMBUS mode an amount of data in non-blocking mode
        using HAL_FMPSMBUS_Slave_Receive_IT()
    (++) At reception end of transfer HAL_FMPSMBUS_SlaveRxCpltCallback() is executed and users can
         add their own code by customization of function pointer HAL_FMPSMBUS_SlaveRxCpltCallback()
    (+) Enable/Disable the FMPSMBUS alert mode using
        HAL_FMPSMBUS_EnableAlert_IT() or HAL_FMPSMBUS_DisableAlert_IT()
    (++) When FMPSMBUS Alert is generated HAL_FMPSMBUS_ErrorCallback() is executed and users can
         add their own code by customization of function pointer HAL_FMPSMBUS_ErrorCallback()
         to check the Alert Error Code using function HAL_FMPSMBUS_GetError()
    (+) Get HAL state machine or error values using HAL_FMPSMBUS_GetState() or HAL_FMPSMBUS_GetError()
    (+) In case of transfer Error, HAL_FMPSMBUS_ErrorCallback() function is executed and users can
         add their own code by customization of function pointer HAL_FMPSMBUS_ErrorCallback()
         to check the Error Code using function HAL_FMPSMBUS_GetError()

   *** FMPSMBUS HAL driver macros list ***
     Below the list of most used macros in FMPSMBUS HAL driver.

    (+) __HAL_FMPSMBUS_ENABLE:      Enable the FMPSMBUS peripheral
    (+) __HAL_FMPSMBUS_DISABLE:     Disable the FMPSMBUS peripheral
    (+) __HAL_FMPSMBUS_GET_FLAG:    Check whether the specified FMPSMBUS flag is set or not
    (+) __HAL_FMPSMBUS_CLEAR_FLAG:  Clear the specified FMPSMBUS pending flag
    (+) __HAL_FMPSMBUS_ENABLE_IT:   Enable the specified FMPSMBUS interrupt
    (+) __HAL_FMPSMBUS_DISABLE_IT:  Disable the specified FMPSMBUS interrupt

   *** Callback registration ***
   The compilation flag USE_HAL_FMPSMBUS_REGISTER_CALLBACKS when set to 1
   allows the user to configure dynamically the driver callbacks.
   Use Functions HAL_FMPSMBUS_RegisterCallback() or HAL_FMPSMBUS_RegisterAddrCallback()
   to register an interrupt callback.
   Function HAL_FMPSMBUS_RegisterCallback() allows to register following callbacks:
     (+) MasterTxCpltCallback : callback for Master transmission end of transfer.
     (+) MasterRxCpltCallback : callback for Master reception end of transfer.
     (+) SlaveTxCpltCallback  : callback for Slave transmission end of transfer.
     (+) SlaveRxCpltCallback  : callback for Slave reception end of transfer.
     (+) ListenCpltCallback   : callback for end of listen mode.
     (+) ErrorCallback        : callback for error detection.
     (+) MspInitCallback      : callback for Msp Init.
     (+) MspDeInitCallback    : callback for Msp DeInit.
   This function takes as parameters the HAL peripheral handle, the Callback ID
   and a pointer to the user callback function.
   For specific callback AddrCallback use dedicated register callbacks : HAL_FMPSMBUS_RegisterAddrCallback.
   Use function HAL_FMPSMBUS_UnRegisterCallback to reset a callback to the default
   weak function.
   HAL_FMPSMBUS_UnRegisterCallback takes as parameters the HAL peripheral handle,
   and the Callback ID.
   This function allows to reset following callbacks:
     (+) MasterTxCpltCallback : callback for Master transmission end of transfer.
     (+) MasterRxCpltCallback : callback for Master reception end of transfer.
     (+) SlaveTxCpltCallback  : callback for Slave transmission end of transfer.
     (+) SlaveRxCpltCallback  : callback for Slave reception end of transfer.
     (+) ListenCpltCallback   : callback for end of listen mode.
     (+) ErrorCallback        : callback for error detection.
     (+) MspInitCallback      : callback for Msp Init.
     (+) MspDeInitCallback    : callback for Msp DeInit.
   For callback AddrCallback use dedicated register callbacks : HAL_FMPSMBUS_UnRegisterAddrCallback.
   By default, after the HAL_FMPSMBUS_Init() and when the state is HAL_FMPI2C_STATE_RESET
   all callbacks are set to the corresponding weak functions:
   examples HAL_FMPSMBUS_MasterTxCpltCallback(), HAL_FMPSMBUS_MasterRxCpltCallback().
   Exception done for MspInit and MspDeInit functions that are
   reset to the legacy weak functions in the HAL_FMPSMBUS_Init()/ HAL_FMPSMBUS_DeInit() only when
   these callbacks are null (not registered beforehand).
   If MspInit or MspDeInit are not null, the HAL_FMPSMBUS_Init()/ HAL_FMPSMBUS_DeInit()
   keep and use the user MspInit/MspDeInit callbacks (registered beforehand) whatever the state.
   Callbacks can be registered/unregistered in HAL_FMPI2C_STATE_READY state only.
   Exception done MspInit/MspDeInit functions that can be registered/unregistered
   thus registered (user) MspInit/DeInit callbacks can be used during the Init/DeInit.
   Then, the user first registers the MspInit/MspDeInit user callbacks
   using HAL_FMPSMBUS_RegisterCallback() before calling HAL_FMPSMBUS_DeInit()
   or HAL_FMPSMBUS_Init() function.
   When the compilation flag USE_HAL_FMPSMBUS_REGISTER_CALLBACKS is set to 0 or
   not defined, the callback registration feature is not available and all callbacks
   are set to the corresponding weak functions.

     (@) You can refer to the FMPSMBUS HAL driver header file for more useful macros

Definition in file stm32f4xx_hal_fmpsmbus.c.