STM32F4xx HAL Documentation
Hardware Abstraction Layer for STM32F4 familiy
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I2S_InitTypeDef Struct Reference

I2S Init structure definition. More...

#include <stm32f4xx_hal_i2s.h>

Collaboration diagram for I2S_InitTypeDef:

Data Fields

uint32_t Mode
uint32_t Standard
uint32_t DataFormat
uint32_t MCLKOutput
uint32_t AudioFreq
uint32_t CPOL
uint32_t ClockSource
uint32_t FullDuplexMode

Detailed Description

I2S Init structure definition.

Definition at line 46 of file stm32f4xx_hal_i2s.h.

Field Documentation

◆ Mode

uint32_t I2S_InitTypeDef::Mode

Specifies the I2S operating mode. This parameter can be a value of I2S Mode

Definition at line 48 of file stm32f4xx_hal_i2s.h.

Referenced by HAL_I2S_DMAStop(), and HAL_I2S_Init().

◆ Standard

uint32_t I2S_InitTypeDef::Standard

Specifies the standard used for the I2S communication. This parameter can be a value of I2S Standard

Definition at line 51 of file stm32f4xx_hal_i2s.h.

Referenced by HAL_I2S_Init().

◆ DataFormat

uint32_t I2S_InitTypeDef::DataFormat

Specifies the data format for the I2S communication. This parameter can be a value of I2S Data Format

Definition at line 54 of file stm32f4xx_hal_i2s.h.

Referenced by HAL_I2S_Init().

◆ MCLKOutput

uint32_t I2S_InitTypeDef::MCLKOutput

Specifies whether the I2S MCLK output is enabled or not. This parameter can be a value of I2S MCLK Output

Definition at line 57 of file stm32f4xx_hal_i2s.h.

Referenced by HAL_I2S_Init().

◆ AudioFreq

uint32_t I2S_InitTypeDef::AudioFreq

Specifies the frequency selected for the I2S communication. This parameter can be a value of I2S Audio Frequency

Definition at line 60 of file stm32f4xx_hal_i2s.h.

Referenced by HAL_I2S_Init().


uint32_t I2S_InitTypeDef::CPOL

Specifies the idle state of the I2S clock. This parameter can be a value of I2S Clock Polarity

Definition at line 63 of file stm32f4xx_hal_i2s.h.

Referenced by HAL_I2S_Init().

◆ ClockSource

uint32_t I2S_InitTypeDef::ClockSource

Specifies the I2S Clock Source. This parameter can be a value of I2S Clock Source Definition

Definition at line 66 of file stm32f4xx_hal_i2s.h.

Referenced by HAL_I2S_Init().

◆ FullDuplexMode

uint32_t I2S_InitTypeDef::FullDuplexMode

Specifies the I2S FullDuplex mode. This parameter can be a value of I2S FullDuplex Mode

Definition at line 68 of file stm32f4xx_hal_i2s.h.

Referenced by HAL_I2S_Init().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: