STM32F4xx HAL Documentation
Hardware Abstraction Layer for STM32F4 familiy
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ETH_DMAConfigTypeDef Struct Reference

ETH DMA Configuration Structure definition. More...

#include <stm32f4xx_hal_eth.h>

Collaboration diagram for ETH_DMAConfigTypeDef:

Data Fields

uint32_t DMAArbitration
FunctionalState AddressAlignedBeats
uint32_t BurstMode
FunctionalState DropTCPIPChecksumErrorFrame
FunctionalState ReceiveStoreForward
FunctionalState TransmitStoreForward
uint32_t TxDMABurstLength
uint32_t TransmitThresholdControl
uint32_t RxDMABurstLength
FunctionalState ForwardErrorFrames
FunctionalState FlushRxPacket
FunctionalState ForwardUndersizedGoodFrames
uint32_t ReceiveThresholdControl
FunctionalState SecondFrameOperate
FunctionalState EnhancedDescriptorFormat
uint32_t DescriptorSkipLength

Detailed Description

ETH DMA Configuration Structure definition.

Definition at line 341 of file stm32f4xx_hal_eth.h.

Field Documentation

◆ DMAArbitration

uint32_t ETH_DMAConfigTypeDef::DMAArbitration

Sets the arbitration scheme between DMA Tx and Rx This parameter can be a value of ETH DMA Arbitration

Definition at line 343 of file stm32f4xx_hal_eth.h.

Referenced by ETH_MACDMAConfig(), ETH_SetDMAConfig(), and HAL_ETH_GetDMAConfig().

◆ AddressAlignedBeats

FunctionalState ETH_DMAConfigTypeDef::AddressAlignedBeats

Enables or disables the AHB Master interface address aligned burst transfers on Read and Write channels

Definition at line 346 of file stm32f4xx_hal_eth.h.

Referenced by ETH_MACDMAConfig(), ETH_SetDMAConfig(), and HAL_ETH_GetDMAConfig().

◆ BurstMode

uint32_t ETH_DMAConfigTypeDef::BurstMode

Sets the AHB Master interface burst transfers. This parameter can be a value of ETH Burst Mode

Definition at line 349 of file stm32f4xx_hal_eth.h.

Referenced by ETH_MACDMAConfig(), ETH_SetDMAConfig(), and HAL_ETH_GetDMAConfig().

◆ DropTCPIPChecksumErrorFrame

FunctionalState ETH_DMAConfigTypeDef::DropTCPIPChecksumErrorFrame

Selects or not the Dropping of TCP/IP Checksum Error Frames

Definition at line 351 of file stm32f4xx_hal_eth.h.

Referenced by ETH_MACDMAConfig(), ETH_SetDMAConfig(), and HAL_ETH_GetDMAConfig().

◆ ReceiveStoreForward

FunctionalState ETH_DMAConfigTypeDef::ReceiveStoreForward

Enables or disables the Receive store and forward mode

Definition at line 353 of file stm32f4xx_hal_eth.h.

Referenced by ETH_MACDMAConfig(), ETH_SetDMAConfig(), and HAL_ETH_GetDMAConfig().

◆ TransmitStoreForward

FunctionalState ETH_DMAConfigTypeDef::TransmitStoreForward

Enables or disables Transmit store and forward mode

Definition at line 355 of file stm32f4xx_hal_eth.h.

Referenced by ETH_MACDMAConfig(), ETH_SetDMAConfig(), and HAL_ETH_GetDMAConfig().

◆ TxDMABurstLength

uint32_t ETH_DMAConfigTypeDef::TxDMABurstLength

Indicates the maximum number of beats to be transferred in one Tx DMA transaction. This parameter can be a value of ETH Tx DMA Burst Length

Definition at line 359 of file stm32f4xx_hal_eth.h.

Referenced by ETH_MACDMAConfig(), ETH_SetDMAConfig(), and HAL_ETH_GetDMAConfig().

◆ TransmitThresholdControl

uint32_t ETH_DMAConfigTypeDef::TransmitThresholdControl

Selects or not the Transmit Threshold Control. This parameter can be a value of ETH Transmit Threshold Control

Definition at line 362 of file stm32f4xx_hal_eth.h.

Referenced by ETH_MACDMAConfig(), ETH_SetDMAConfig(), and HAL_ETH_GetDMAConfig().

◆ RxDMABurstLength

uint32_t ETH_DMAConfigTypeDef::RxDMABurstLength

Indicates the maximum number of beats to be transferred in one Rx DMA transaction. This parameter can be a value of ETH Rx DMA Burst Length

Definition at line 367 of file stm32f4xx_hal_eth.h.

Referenced by ETH_MACDMAConfig(), ETH_SetDMAConfig(), and HAL_ETH_GetDMAConfig().

◆ ForwardErrorFrames

FunctionalState ETH_DMAConfigTypeDef::ForwardErrorFrames

Selects or not the forward to the DMA of erroneous frames

Definition at line 370 of file stm32f4xx_hal_eth.h.

Referenced by ETH_MACDMAConfig(), ETH_SetDMAConfig(), and HAL_ETH_GetDMAConfig().

◆ FlushRxPacket

FunctionalState ETH_DMAConfigTypeDef::FlushRxPacket

Enables or disables the Rx Packet Flush

Definition at line 371 of file stm32f4xx_hal_eth.h.

Referenced by ETH_MACDMAConfig(), ETH_SetDMAConfig(), and HAL_ETH_GetDMAConfig().

◆ ForwardUndersizedGoodFrames

FunctionalState ETH_DMAConfigTypeDef::ForwardUndersizedGoodFrames

Enables or disables the Rx FIFO to forward Undersized frames (frames with no Error and length less than 64 bytes) including pad-bytes and CRC)

Definition at line 374 of file stm32f4xx_hal_eth.h.

Referenced by ETH_MACDMAConfig(), ETH_SetDMAConfig(), and HAL_ETH_GetDMAConfig().

◆ ReceiveThresholdControl

uint32_t ETH_DMAConfigTypeDef::ReceiveThresholdControl

Selects the threshold level of the Receive FIFO. This parameter can be a value of ETH Receive Threshold Control

Definition at line 378 of file stm32f4xx_hal_eth.h.

Referenced by ETH_MACDMAConfig(), ETH_SetDMAConfig(), and HAL_ETH_GetDMAConfig().

◆ SecondFrameOperate

FunctionalState ETH_DMAConfigTypeDef::SecondFrameOperate

Selects or not the Operate on second frame mode, which allows the DMA to process a second frame of Transmit data even before obtaining the status for the first frame

Definition at line 383 of file stm32f4xx_hal_eth.h.

Referenced by ETH_MACDMAConfig(), ETH_SetDMAConfig(), and HAL_ETH_GetDMAConfig().

◆ EnhancedDescriptorFormat

FunctionalState ETH_DMAConfigTypeDef::EnhancedDescriptorFormat

Enables the enhanced descriptor format

Definition at line 387 of file stm32f4xx_hal_eth.h.

Referenced by ETH_MACDMAConfig(), ETH_SetDMAConfig(), and HAL_ETH_GetDMAConfig().

◆ DescriptorSkipLength

uint32_t ETH_DMAConfigTypeDef::DescriptorSkipLength

Specifies the number of word to skip between two unchained descriptors (Ring mode) This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0 and Max_Data = 32

Definition at line 390 of file stm32f4xx_hal_eth.h.

Referenced by ETH_MACDMAConfig(), ETH_SetDMAConfig(), and HAL_ETH_GetDMAConfig().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: