Frequently Asked Questions

  • USB Settings with the virtual machine

    Refer to the USB problems section for more information about connecting the USB device to your virtual machine.

  • Saleae Logic Analyzer

    For help on installing saleae logic analyzer, see the saleae install section. In addition, there are tutorial videos and a few other tips and tricks about working with the logic analyzer.

  • Erase Buggy MCU firmware

    If you are having problems with your MCU and it keeps jumping to the Reset_Handler function, then you will need to reset the MCU firmware by deleting the existing one. Refer to the Reset MCU page for help and troubleshooting in this situation.

  • VirtualBox Guest Utils Installation and Update

    The additional guest utils are used to ensure the full performance of the virtual machine. If you upgrade your virtual GNU/Linux system but not the guest utilities, the updated kernel will not support VirtualBox features due to missing drivers/kernel modules of the new kernel. This has several drawbacks. For more information, see the Virtual-Box Guest Utils file to resolve this problem.

  • Oracle VirtualBox Tips and Tricks

    Check out for additional, easier and faster handling the VM Tips and Tricks page.

  • A Brief Overview of Doxygen

    For a first use of doxygen and more information about the special comment block have a look at Doxygen Brief Information.

  • Git Workflow

    In software development, a structured workflow with versioning is essential. A common tool for versioning is Git. Read more about the versioning and Git workflow on the Git Workflow page.

  • HAL Documentation

    For the Hardware Abstraction Layer, short HAL, a documentation is built and can be accessed with <a href=”/halDoc/index.html” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>HAL DOC</a>. For more help on this documentation, see the page HAL Documentation.

  • STM32 development with VS Code

    To use VS Code as development environment, additional installations and extensions are needed. Read more about these packages and configuration settings on the page STM32 development with VS Code.