Saleae Logic Analyzer

This section describes how to download, install and test the saleae logic analyzer.


Download the program for your operating system from the official website here. For more information, see the installation instructions for your operating system.

GNU/Linux Installation

If you download the saleae logic application for GNU/Linux, you get an AppImage file. This file can directly used after allow executing this file as a program as described in the installation instructions. Another option to download the Logic2 application is to use the command line tool curl:

curl -L  "" -o <yourAppName>.AppImage

Add AppImage to applications

To use the app as usual with a symbolic constant in the applications, it needs more configurations. You can use this system for every AppImage application. Follow these steps to configure your application:

  1. With the option to make an update easier, create a new folder in the directory and name of your choice. For example:

    mkdir ~/Documents/saleae
  2. Move the downloaded AppImage file into the new created directory or download it directly with curl in the new directory:

    mv ~/Downloads/<appImageFileName>.AppImage <path/to/new/folder>
  3. Change to the new directory:

    cd <path/to/new/folder>
  4. The moved file should be visible file. You can check it with the command ls. Change the access permissions for user with:

    chmod +x <appImageFileName>.AppImage 
  5. Test your application that you are sure it works. Create a symbolic softlink to make your settings more modular and more comfortable for updates.

    ln -s <APPNAME> <LINKNAME>
    ln -s Logic-2.4.10-linux-x64.AppImage logic2.AppImage
  6. The next step is to create a new file to create the icon for applications with:

    touch ~/.local/share/applications/<appName>.desktop
  7. Add to these file followed content. For the icon, download the following image:


    Move the icon into your directory to have all data together. See in example a solution for the logic 2.

    [Desktop Entry]
    Comment=Application Description
    [Desktop Entry]
    Comment=Saleae Logic 2


    If the application is not visible, a link is not correctly set.

Add terminal command

To open the the application in the terminal you have to use a correct path to the application. If you want to use it like a shell command, several options are possible. One possibility is to add an alias into the .bashrc file, which is located in your home directory. An advantage is in this case to use the same link as in the *.desktop file to always use the same location. That promotes the reusability and easier updating of the application for your system. To make the alias more secure, the if condition checks whether the path exists. Of course if you not want to use the desktop icon, you can also link to the *.AppImage file.

  1. Add to the .bashrc file in your home directory:

        if [ -d ${_APP_DIR} ]; then
            alias <newName>=${_LOGIC2_DIR}/<commandSubstitute>
    if [ -d ${_LOGIC2_DIR} ]; then
        alias logic2=${_LOGIC2_DIR}/Logic-2.AppImage
  2. Since the change in the file will not automated reloaded, you have do it yourself. You have two options:

    • Use command:

      source ~/.bashrc 
    • Close the terminal and open a new one. The new terminal loads the updated .bashrc file

Update Logic2 application

If a note pops up with a request to update your system, download the new version and follow the steps from 2 to 5 in Add AppImage to Applications. Use the same LINKNAME to update the link to the new application version. If everything works well, you can delete the old app version.

Logic2 Tutorials

Saleae offers short tutorial videos to make it easier to get started with the logic 2 application.

Capturing data

In this tutorial video, you can learn how to read in data with your saleae.

Tutorial: Capturing data

Source from youtube: SALEAE Logic 2 Tutorial - Capturing Data

Organize Workspace

Tips and tricks how to comfortable and individual use the logic 2 application.

Tutorial: Organise workspace

Source from youtube: SALEAE Logic 2 Tutorial - Organize your Workspace


Learn how to use triggers with the saleae to use external signal to start and stop a measurement.

Tutorial: Configure data trigger

Source from youtube: SALEAE Logic 2 Tutorial - Triggers

Protocol Analyzers

Serial communications protocol are not as easy to debug with the μC. The logic analyzer can read and display the data of a serial communication. Learn here how to use it:

Tutorial: Analyze captured data

Source from youtube: SALEAE Logic 2 Tutorial - Protocol Analyzers

Tips and Tricks


Voltage level settings for saleae logic PROS

If you are measuring some strange digital voltage levels, such as short and small spikes, the first problem could be your settings on the Sale Pro models, which have configurable threshold voltage levels.

Example Error Situation
reset buttons

SPI measurement error of incorrect interpretation of chip select pin.

Set the correct voltage level for your hardware in the channel selection menu.

Setting Threshold Voltage
Threshold voltage settings

Step 1: Go into the channel select menu. Step 2: Change the threshold voltage to the current system voltage.

The selectable levels have an effect on the measured digital values.

Voltage level

Threshold voltage

1.2 Volts

0.6 V

1.8 Volts

0.9 V

3.3 Volts

1.65 V


The selected threshold voltage is set for each channel.

The result is that the logic analyser now interprets the voltage levels correctly and recognises the SPI bus example correctly, without changing any source code on the MCU.

Setting Threshold Voltage
Threshold voltage settings

Correct SPI measurement without Saleae threshold error.