Ex-21: HAL Interrupt Handling

Interrupts allow the MCU to react fast to asynchronous events. The interrupts with the HAL driver are handled by the library. To connect them with the user code, HAL offers handler functions which can be used for the implementation. These handler functions are used in this exercise to implement the measurement of the active time of the center switch button. The measured time will be visualized with a LED which lights up for the corresponding duration.

  • HAL Interrupt Handler

  • EXTI Interrupt

  • Timer Interrupt

  • GPIO output duration control

  • Understanding the structure of the hal interrupt handlers

  • Enabling Interrupts in CubeMX

  • Implementing full Interrupt Control


The goal of this exercise is to measure the time between the rising and falling edge on the center switch button. During pressing the button, the blue LED lights up. To display the measured time, the green LED is enabled as long as the measured time and starts immediately after releasing the button. A new measurement can only be started again once the visualization process has been completed. To solve this exercise, the GPIO and Systick interrupt from the HAL driver will be used.

Interrupts increase the reaction speed to events and are often used in embedded systems for time critical applications. To use them with the HAL library, HAL offers an abstraction of the interrupt handlers from the vector table. All enabled interrupts are collected in the file stm32f4xx_it.c with their interrupt service routine (ISR) from the vector table. For most peripheral interrupts, HAL opens its own abstracted interrupt handler function within the ISR functions. This interrupt handler then clears the interrupt and calls a specific callback funtion. This callback function is defined as __weak and can be overwritten by the user to allow a specific implementation.


Remember to the abstraction of interrupts from the last semester.

HAL handles the interrupt interfaces in another way than the vector table. HAL collects the interrupts from the same peripheral type (i.e. timers, GPIOs, UART) together and delivers one interface for all peripherals modules in the MCU.

Example GPIO Handling

The GPIO ISR from the vector table (e.g. EXTI0_IRQHandler, EXTI1_IRQHandler, EXTI2_IRQHandler…) are all abstracted with the function HAL_GPIO_EXTI_IRQHandler().

To know which peripheral has fired the interrupt, the passed argument must be checked and can be compared with peripherals. In case of the GPIO interrupt, it is the pin for the corresponding line.


First, the STM32CubeMX project must be set up with the desired functionality. For this exercise, the center switch button, green LED and blue LED are used.

Setup project
  1. Setup with STM32CubeMX a new project as you have done in Ex-20: Getting Started with HAL and CubeMX.

  2. Enable the GPIO outputs green LED and blue LED.


    Due LED connecting reasons, set the GPIO settings to:

    • GPIO ouput level: ‘High’

    • GPIO mode: ‘Output Open Drain’

    Select an informative user label.

    GPIO Output Settings
    LED GPIO output settings
  3. Select the EXTI interrupt for center switch button

  4. Enable the EXTI interrupt in the NVIC settings

    NVIC Settings
    NVIC settings
  5. Finish project setup with generating code.


The first step for the implementation is to check the interrupts and the led output.

Interrupt setup
  1. Define in your project the function HAL_GPIO_EXTI_IRQHandler().

  2. Check that the interrupt is fired from the center switch button and detect the rising or falling edge.

  3. Enable in the rising edge the blue LED and disable it in the falling edge.

After the interrupt works with the led control, the next goal is to measure the pressed time with the Systick handler. The interrupt function SysTick_Handler(void) is called per default every millisecond. This is the time base of the HAL library. HAL uses the Systick per default as the clock source to abort blocking functions after a desired time. The needed functions for this functionality are HAL_IncTick() and HAL_GetTick().


This two tick functions can be changed by the user, but this is not recommend due to possible undesired side effects in the HAL library. It is better to extend the interrupt by an own defined function to process a task every ms.

To measure the pressed time, use the Systick with a concept of your choice.

Measure pressed time with the Systick
  1. Start measuring at the rising edge of the center switch button.

  2. Stop the measuring and save the value in a variable at the falling edge.

To show the measured time, use the green LED and light it up in the measured time immediately after releasing the measured button.

Light up the LED in the measured time
  1. Enable the green LED at the falling edge callback.

  2. Disable the green LED after the measured time duration.

To fix an issue when both processes are active at the same time, disable the possibility to measure the button during display process.

Disable measuring during display current time.
  1. Extend your application to not start a new measure during the display process of the current measured time.


Discuss with your colleagues the following questions:

  1. What are advantages/ disadvantages of this system?

  2. What is your maximum time to measure?

  3. Is your application robust to over-/underflows of the time variable?